Mexico: Tour with Texaco (1958)

This road map of Mexico was created by Texaco oil company, which was founded in 1901 in Texas, and then acquired by Chevron in 2001.

The primary colors in this brochure (red, green, white) match the colors of the Mexican flag.

From the JCS Collection.

Thanks to the stamp on the outside cover, we know this is from a Super Servicio gas station in Mexico.

** map best viewed on a desktop computer **

Using the legend on the map, we can find lots of information (including the copyright date - 1958), and the creators of this map: The H.M. Gousha Company.

The H.M. Gousha Company was one of the "Big Three" major producers of road maps and atlases in the United States during the 25 years following World War II, making maps for free distribution by oil companies and auto clubs.

The bigger picture….


Iowa's State Owned Recreation Areas (1961)